Maybe you’ve been wondering where to find our prices for the upcoming summer. They’re on the brochure and a few other places on the website. But, they aren’t all that easy to find! This post is all about summer 2011 pricing.
First of all, choose your own price! $250 OR $300 OR $350 Because all of us have different financial realitites, we want to provide different price points so that your kids can get here. Though Tier III (the highest price) represents our cost, we want you to choose the price that correlates best with your financial reality.
2-week sessions cost are $520 OR $610 OR $700. Our short week, Friendship is $125 OR $155 OR $180.
And, if you need more help, apply for campership/scholarship. The kids who need it most end up coming to camp for less than $50 sometimes!
DVD’s of each week, if you’d like to buy one are:
Other Camp Store items: