BBC Blog

  • Auction 2020 Success!  $113,000

    Auction 2020 Success! $113,000

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Wow.  Bethany Birches supporters showed up in a big way!  Looking down the list of all the bidders and donors of items warms my heart.  More than 100 persons banded together to contribute items and dollars and time to raise $113,000!  That total includes matches, mug club, fund a need, online auction, live auction, people…

  • Auction goes live Nov 7.  We are testing Oct 16.  Join us!

    Auction goes live Nov 7. We are testing Oct 16. Join us!

    Greetings friends.  We are excited about the upcoming Benefit Auction.  Though it’s going to be different than usual, I think it’s still going to be pretty great.  There will be online bidding for a week, some important needs to give to, and of course Sandy Alderfer coming to us live via Zoom on Nov 7…

  • Annual Benefit Auction 2020: A Virtual Treat ?

    Annual Benefit Auction 2020: A Virtual Treat ?

    Dear Camp Friends, Save the date, mark your calendars: Our 18th annual benefit auction has been set for the weekend of November 6-8! Yes, it will be happening virtually, over the course of a few days. We are working out the details and here’s what we know will be included so far: Live bidding. Our auctioneer, Sandy Alderfer, who has been…

  • Annual Benefit Auction 2019

    Annual Benefit Auction 2019

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I am constantly surprised and sometimes overwhelmed by the generosity of the community that supports Bethany Birches Camp. A past board member and spouse, who was a long time camper, do lots of preparation for the auction each year and even work hard starting early the day of the event.  After that they sit down…

  • 16th Annual Benefit Auction

    16th Annual Benefit Auction

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 16th Annual Benefit Auction was great fun and raised over $51,000 for the work of Bethany Birches.  Specifically, that means that many campers who could not afford camp could still come and have a powerful summer and winter camp experience. I am so thankful for all of you generous and gracious people who make…

  • Auction Spotlight: Have trails built for you, or your driveway fixed, or your field reclaimed by Forest Savers!

    Auction Spotlight: Have trails built for you, or your driveway fixed, or your field reclaimed by Forest Savers!

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Greetings Friends: This is the last auction items spotlight, as we will close the online bidding form tomorrow (Sept 28) at 9am and start putting full attention on final setup and details.  So get your bids in tonight and first thing tomorrow morning if you’re not joining us on Saturday! One item that is not to be missed…

  • Auction Spotlight: Delicious Eats!

    Auction Spotlight: Delicious Eats!

    Hi BBC Family! I am personally not what you would call a “good cook.”  I have joked with friends that the smoke detector and the oven timer are basically the same thing.  Yes, I have burned broccoli while attempting to steam it, and I have practically dehydrated asparagus while trying to roast it.  The only…

  • Auction Spotlight: snuggly socks (you could wear to the mountain)

    Auction Spotlight: snuggly socks (you could wear to the mountain)

    Hello! The BBC Annual Benefit Auction is only 3 sleeps away. Yay- I can’t wait! Not only is this a great way to score some amazing items, but you get to help send kids to camp in the process. That is what I call a WIN-WIN! Have you checked out our website yet to start…

  • Auction Items Spotlight

    Auction Items Spotlight

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s almost time for the annual benefit auction.  I am excited!  Why?  It’s so fun!  Even better, there are so many great people and lots of great food!  Sandy, the auctioneer is a great entertainer (and will convince you that you need to keep bidding… which is good for the kiddos who benefit from your…

  • 15th Annual Benefit Auction

    15th Annual Benefit Auction

    This year brought the 15th Annual Benefit Auction. This particular Saturday was abnormally warm.  A perfect match for the abnormal generosity at the auction.  We started out with Larry’s syrup.  Each quart sold for $400!  That’s abnormal. Did you know that in the first 14 years of the auction the event has raised $400,000 to…


