Explorer 2011, The Bond of Love

One song we sing here contains the lyrics “we are one in the bond of love”. As I was sorting through an overwhelming number of clips to potentially include in this montage I believe I started humming this song to myself. Then as I started putting clips together I realized this could be a fitting title. The bond, the uniting or binding element here at camp, is love.  Everything we do here at camp is motivated out of love and held together by this same condition. I say condition because it is essential to the running of this camp. Love is what doesn’t judge allowing campers to let go in a safe place, it allows for silliness because love doesn’t care what others think and it moves us to be foolish for the kingdom. It provides the way to trust during the cooperation course, and for complete strangers to truly care for each other in the time of a week. It unifies us as His followers


