Summer Learning Loss

Opportunities to learn abound at summer camp. Campers are taught about Jesus through relationship with counselors, staff and friends. Campers learn of God’s creativity as they uncover the great outdoors. Staff and campers learn about relationship as we seek to develop a community of love all summer long. This past summer we even sought to help campers gain and maintain traditional academic skills through a program called “Explore 30.” Explore 30 is a nationwide program sponsored by the American Camp Association (ACA). Explore 30 is a program that helps camps encourage campers to read for at least 30 minutes a day. The ACA developed this program to address a problem common in school students called Summer Learning Loss.  This summer at BBC 30 minutes of each day was dedicated to reading. Campers could choose if they wanted to read during this time. Some campers opted to draw, sleep, journal or day dream, but many chose to read. Some counselors took this opportunity to share their favorite stories with campers while others opted to keep up with their own reading. Either way, this summer at Bethany Birches Camp, campers were encouraged to keep learning through both traditional methods and methods unique to the camp setting!

To learn more about Summer Learning Loss and Explore 30:


