Free Camp!

These three events are free too… just like hugs

Free Camp!

What could be better than a week at Bethany Birches Camp this summer you ask? I say Free Camp!

No, this isn’t a chance to get a week of camp free, it’s a chance to get a few hours of camp free. Although, you can get $100 off your upcoming camp session this summer + multiples of $7 on top of that (see below).

Here’s the deal: For a few hours we’ll bring some of our staff to a town near you and do camp (if you live in VT or NH that is). We will:

  • Get messy (if you want) at our pig trough.
  • Play Full Contact Playdough Pictionary or Mission Impossible or Smugglers.
  • Watch video from last summer.
  • Hear stories of summer camp.
  • Eat snacks if the pig trough wasn’t enough.

Get Camp Cheap:

  1. GET $100 OFF SUMMER 2012 – Each eligible camper* that attends will be entered in a drawing to win a $100 gift certificate good for BBC Summer 2012 program. One certificate will be given at the event.
  2. Any returning camper will be given a $7 discount for summer 2012 for EACH eligible never-ever** they bring along!

*will be in the age range 5-18 yrs. old this summer.
**never-ever camper is someone who’s never been to BBC for any program

No need to sign up, just show up! We’ll have info and forms on summer camp at the party as well.



