[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Wow. Bethany Birches supporters showed up in a big way! Looking down the list of all the bidders and donors of items warms my heart. More than 100 persons banded together to contribute items and dollars and time to raise $113,000! That total includes matches, mug club, fund a need, online auction, live auction, people…
Dear Friends, If you haven’t read about our experience this summer you can get a glimpse here. Reopening is one thing. Doing so with a goal to have no virus transmission, especially when living together in groups, is another thing. We are delighted with the results and so glad that we were able to pursue…
Greetings Camp Friends (Reading this after Easter Sunday? The links below will still take you to the video. Enjoy anytime!) He is risen?! He is risen indeed! You may or may not be familiar with this Easter call and response phrase. We say it together on Easter Sunday. Someone says he is risen and someone replies that…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I am constantly surprised and sometimes overwhelmed by the generosity of the community that supports Bethany Birches Camp. A past board member and spouse, who was a long time camper, do lots of preparation for the auction each year and even work hard starting early the day of the event. After that they sit down…
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0A9ye6CAM4″ align=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]
2016 Fall Newsletter Association Benefit Auction beni auction item of the day Board of Directors Cabin & Fire Marshal Camp in a pandemic Capital Campaign Cheeks coupon Covid-19 excited for camp For Campers For Donors For Parents God God & Jesus Inside Out Kingdom of God Love! Mission Possible Mission Possible: Summer 2013 Newsletter Pavi Pavilion Project paviprogress Pavi Project Giving Update Pictures Rent Camp Snow Camp Spiritual Saturday staff Staff Returning summer camp Summer Dates Summer Staff Summer theme tuna Tuna Tuesday Video Volunteers why camp Winter Winter Camp Work Day