The other week I returned to the adventure that is counseling at Bethany Birches Camp. I left the routine of my job as the facilities manager and once again became Counselor Rupert. Our cabin group that spent the week in Robin all arrived together on a bus and were part of the Camp Agape program.…
The boiler has been running for a few months now and it can heat (we have burned 6 cords which is all we set aside for this winter)! These two video updates from Tuna demonstrate the latest. Summary: the boiler can heat the cabin in addition to the pavilion (if we burn lots of wood).…
One of the founding principles of Bethany Birches back in the 60’s was to “provide a camping experience for youth where counselor and camper together can engage in learning relationships which will prepare them for future responsibilities in life.” As you probably know it’s easier to have a learning relationship with someone you trust and respect.…
This past winter has been interesting weather-wise. Another interesting trend is the uptick in attendance for winter programs. For the three overnight programs we saw 168 camper days which is 95% of total capacity. On top of this, there were waiting lists for all three sessions! As many of you know, winter is so busy for…
Greetings all. I have been somewhat silent lately related to the pavilion project. I had been hyping it for so long and I was so excited about it… I was always talking about it. And then we ran into challenges. And I got a little lost for a time. And you may not have heard much from me…
It’s true. Occupancy for the Bethany Birches Cabin has been granted. Here’s the proof, in fact. This post is about the people who made it happen and what happened. THANK YOU! What happened: About a year ago we were informed we’d need to stop using the cabin April 1, 2012 The board and I struggled…
This post is about a sad story. It’s the story of the BBC Cabin the day the fire marshal came to visit. Bruce and Jay were friendly and clear. They have concerns about how quickly people could get out of the building in case of fire. They gave us a conditional permit, which ends April…
2016 Fall Newsletter Association Benefit Auction beni auction item of the day Board of Directors Cabin & Fire Marshal Camp in a pandemic Capital Campaign Cheeks coupon Covid-19 excited for camp For Campers For Donors For Parents God God & Jesus Inside Out Kingdom of God Love! Mission Possible Mission Possible: Summer 2013 Newsletter Pavi Pavilion Project paviprogress Pavi Project Giving Update Pictures Rent Camp Snow Camp Spiritual Saturday staff Staff Returning summer camp Summer Dates Summer Staff Summer theme tuna Tuna Tuesday Video Volunteers why camp Winter Winter Camp Work Day