“It’s a good thing they hire 20 yr olds because they are the only people crazy enough to do it!” A current friend of mine and a former BBC counselor was recently referring to the job of camp counseling. It is a crazy job. At BBC counselors care for kids 23/5. Counselors are responsible for…
In his blog post, Jonathan McKee explains an experiment he and his wife performed on their teenager. He writes: Our theory was basically this: Start strict, and loosen up as our kids get older, eventually freeing them from all boundaries by age 17½. Guess how it went… not bad! In fact, it allowed their daughter to…
This blog entry from Peg Smith, the CEO of American Camp Association caught my attention today. It is in response to the Sandy Hook shooting. It is relevant to our faith. It is relevant to the question: how should I parent? And, am I raising my child well? It seems to me the heart of…
2016 Fall Newsletter Association Benefit Auction beni auction item of the day Board of Directors Cabin & Fire Marshal Camp in a pandemic Capital Campaign Cheeks coupon Covid-19 excited for camp For Campers For Donors For Parents God God & Jesus Inside Out Kingdom of God Love! Mission Possible Mission Possible: Summer 2013 Newsletter Pavi Pavilion Project paviprogress Pavi Project Giving Update Pictures Rent Camp Snow Camp Spiritual Saturday staff Staff Returning summer camp Summer Dates Summer Staff Summer theme tuna Tuna Tuesday Video Volunteers why camp Winter Winter Camp Work Day