Greetings friends! Summer camp is so close and the weather proves it! The Pandemic is over in this country and the disease Covid-19 remains. There are varying viewpoints and opinions on how to behave at this time so we wanted to lay out our basic expectations for the summer 2022 season, as of June 7,…
Dear Camper Parents, I write to you with breaking news that is hard for me to share: we just learned that the Health Department made new policy and will not allow our resident camp program this winter. This news is hours old at time of writing this post. How did we get here? I consulted…
We need your help to prep camp for the coming winter and summer! Here are some of the tasks: – Clear ski trails – Cut trees for firewood (have a chain saw?) – Split and stack wood – Light leaf work We will also provide individually wrapped desserts – physical labor earns brownie points and…
Dear Camp Friends, We did it! 7 weeks of summer camp. 185 campers, 29 staff members, and checking with Rupert on exactly how many gallons of hand sanitizer, simple green, bleach, and other cleaning/sanitizing agents we’ve used. When we started camp in July, I was surprised, and admittedly a little disheartened. Why did we have…
Dear Camp Friends, It happened! The first week of camp in 2020! We ran our day camp program with campers ages 6-10. The weather was great, and in true Wet and Wild Wednesday fashion, there was a little bit of rain on Wednesday afternoon. We learned about all that God is: loving, gracious, forgiving, trustworthy,…
Dear Camp Friends, The moment has come! We have done all we need to do to re-situate people and reopen registration. Thanks for bearing with us! So go ahead and grab your spot while you can. I encourage you to register and pay as soon as possible for your best chance at reserving a session for…
I write this with reserved excitement. It is exciting to offer resident camp in the context of the pandemic. It is also going to be a special challenge for all involved. Our primary goals are to create a distanced, safe, outdoor oriented program with special considerations for the Covid-19 crisis and to give children and teens…
Dear Camp Friends, We know a lot more than we did last week! Governor’s restart team gave the go ahead one week ago and our board of directors gave the go ahead on Wednesday night of this past week. Working with our camp doctor and leadership team, we continue to create a modified way of doing…
2016 Fall Newsletter Association Benefit Auction beni auction item of the day Board of Directors Cabin & Fire Marshal Camp in a pandemic Capital Campaign Cheeks coupon Covid-19 excited for camp For Campers For Donors For Parents God God & Jesus Inside Out Kingdom of God Love! Mission Possible Mission Possible: Summer 2013 Newsletter Pavi Pavilion Project paviprogress Pavi Project Giving Update Pictures Rent Camp Snow Camp Spiritual Saturday staff Staff Returning summer camp Summer Dates Summer Staff Summer theme tuna Tuna Tuesday Video Volunteers why camp Winter Winter Camp Work Day