It is challenging to gauge success when trying to accomplish a mission like Bethany Birches’. We do some surveys after summer and winter seasons to see how we did in a couple different areas. I just LOVE what came from the surveys this past summer. 33% of survey respondents (parents) rated their child’s experience a 10 or…
This is an excellent article from American Camp Association! In summary, it promotes the fact that at the heart of camp are the things that build up people. Hardships. Failures. Homesickness. I would add, fun, relationships and the outdoors go a long way in this building of a person. You simply must read this article:…
This post is about money and time. These are two scarce resources. By the end of the post, I hope to have made a great case for why you might like to accept my invitation to come and give time to camp, or give money, or both. In the giving of these two scarce resources,…
2016 Fall Newsletter Association Benefit Auction beni auction item of the day Board of Directors Cabin & Fire Marshal Camp in a pandemic Capital Campaign Cheeks coupon Covid-19 excited for camp For Campers For Donors For Parents God God & Jesus Inside Out Kingdom of God Love! Mission Possible Mission Possible: Summer 2013 Newsletter Pavi Pavilion Project paviprogress Pavi Project Giving Update Pictures Rent Camp Snow Camp Spiritual Saturday staff Staff Returning summer camp Summer Dates Summer Staff Summer theme tuna Tuna Tuesday Video Volunteers why camp Winter Winter Camp Work Day