BBC Blog

  • Second Annual BBC Artisan Market

    Second Annual BBC Artisan Market

    Greetings Makers and Creators. I am writing about the Second Annual Artisan and Crafters Market to be held during the Bethany Birches Camp Auction on Saturday, September 30. We received very positive feedback from the Artisan market last year.  It was fun to highlight the talented BBC community, as well as give all attendees an opportunity…

  • Camp In A Pandemic: Vol 2

    Camp In A Pandemic: Vol 2

    Dear Camp Friends, We are just starting our fourth week of overnight camp. Camp this summer has been exciting, a little bit chaotic, and definitely required some flexibility (spoiler alert, we have the best program team- they’re working hard, making changes as needed, and coming up with all the ways to keep camp fun, engaging, and safe). We continue to…

  • Nevin J. Bender, BBC’s First Camp Director, Joins The Great Cloud Of Witnesses

    Nevin J. Bender, BBC’s First Camp Director, Joins The Great Cloud Of Witnesses

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Ask those who were on staff or came to camp as campers in the 1960s and 70s about their Bethany  Birches experience and they will almost certainly reference the rustic and challenging moments that became so deeply engraved in their memories. Back then, the Bethany Birches experience had to be rustic and challenging. Camp was…

  • Winter Camp 2019

    Winter Camp 2019

    As Tex eloquently described in her article God of every season, this place is filled with love and joy and meaningful experiences any time of year.  That’s one of the reasons we are so excited about winter camp.  Other reasons we are excited: this winter will bring 6 winter weekends.  One of those is Summit…

  • Reflections


    Below is a guest blog post written by Will “Creek” Williams, the shepherd during the first week of camp this summer. Creek has been coming to camp for a number of summers now and had some really incredible messages to share with the campers as well as some great response from the campers. I asked…

  • Meatball is Ready for Summer!

    Counselor Meatball had a blast at Winter Camp and is ready to come back to camp this summer!   See the other staff and shepherds here. Join Meatball at camp! Register Now

  • 4th of July Family Cookout

    Each summer, as I talk with parents, the thing I hear most often is that parents wish they could come to camp. Well now you can! This year, come spend 4th of July at Bethany Birches with your child! If your camper is signed up for Core B (July 1-6) you are officially invited to join…

  • Prom: a fun evening!

    Prom: a fun evening!

    We were very glad to host the Woodstock Union High School Prom here at camp last weekend.  Thanks to you juniors and planning committee for selecting Bethany Birches.  We hope to see you back again next year! Check out some of the pictures here from the Vermont Standard. Brandon “Tuna” Bergey p.s. a big congrats…

  • God in growth

    God in growth

    Greetings this Thanksgiving holiday!  I am thankful for you and for all the ways God prompts people to engage at camp. I am thankful for the ways God can be seen here.  One way I’ve seen God this past year is in the ongoing growth at camp.  Allow me to give a handful of examples.…


