BBC Blog

  • Newsletter 2013: BBC TV

    Newsletter 2013: BBC TV

    For years the wonderful staff and campers at camp have been creating many videos (hundreds!).  A lot of those (less than two hundred) made their way to Youtube. It was such a shame to let them sit there, lonely and unwatched so we decided to create BBC TV.  There are currently four channels: Summer, Winter,…

  • Snapshot of Summer and “How does Camp help others?”

    Snapshot of Summer and “How does Camp help others?”

    This is my final post for the summer. It’s hard to believe it has already come to an end. Once again I have so many reasons to be thankful and praise God. It’s been good to have some time to reflect and I think what stands out to me most about this summer more than…

  • Testimonies


    This summer I learned the about the power of stories or testimonies as in a profession of how God has been experienced in someone’s life. Just looking at the bible, it is clear the power stories have had in testifying to who God is and by reading other people’s experiences with God our own conception…

  • A Taste of Sojourner

    A Taste of Sojourner

    Teen week ran a little differently as there was no interest groups or any time I could teach campers or intentionally involve them in  the video process. However, there was still a lot of interest in helping me film. I had a t least 5 different guys and girls assit me throughout the week. Two…

  • White Water Rafting Trip

    Here is one of the trips that the teens went on this week!

  • Learning about Jesus

    Learning about Jesus

    I am continually encouraged by the ways the campers are learning about Jesus and everything that is spoken through this verse,”You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.” -Matthew 5:8  

  • Group Games

    Group Games

    We’ve been playing some pretty awesome group games this summer up on the ball field. Here are a few favorites that were played during Voyager. The last one you will see in this clip is Iron Man tag– a completely original BBC game invented by our very own Sparkles and Cha Cha. The best part…

  • Why Video?

    Why Video?

    I took some time this week to thoroughly interviews my assistants about why they were excited to be in the video interest group and what they hoped to share with their viewers. I think the consensus was that they don’t get a lot of opportunities to use a video camera so this was a unique…

  • Wet and Messy Montage with the Videographers of Voyager

    Wet and Messy Montage with the Videographers of Voyager

    So many campers this week were excited to help video. Unfortunately, so many that I couldn’t take all of them! Here are the six that joined me in my interest group (Grace, Elizabeth, Kearrah, Anna, Maggie and Maria): This last week provided some thorough coverage of some of the activities I haven’t been focused on…

  • Interest Groups

    Interest Groups

    90% camper filmed! Here is a segment highlighting all of the interest groups that took place this week!  


