BBC Blog

  • View from the dishpit

    View from the dishpit

    Today I was walking around the new pavi.  In part cause I had to do some shoveling in what will become the kitchen.  We still have snow in there from the big storm.  And now that room is getting closed in so we have to get the snow out!  Here is Gary Parker helping to shovel:…

  • Newsletter 2013: 5 Reasons to Attend the Annual Benefit Auction

    Newsletter 2013: 5 Reasons to Attend the Annual Benefit Auction

    Many people have been to the annual benefit auction here at Bethany Birches.  If you aren’t one of those persons, I wanted to give you 5 good reasons why you might enjoy the auction: A Mercedes Benz will be auctioned with NO reserve price, courtesy of Signal Aviation There will be free doughnuts and coffee…

  • Fire Marshal Update: Call for help

    It’s been about two months since the fire marshal’s visit. We continue to be thankful for the way their office is working with us and helping to make the building safer. Here’s what’s happening this month (May): Electricians are working on the smoke detection system Egress windows being installed Cutting trees for a neighbor to…

  • April Monthly Contact

    Each month, I write an email to some of Bethany Birches’ supporters.  The topics and content vary.  I share from my heart in these emails, about things that have happened at camp that I just love! A lot of times, I highlight something that one of our campers or staff has written or done.  And,…

  • Fire Marshal Visit

    Fire Marshal Visit

    This post is about a sad story.  It’s the story of the BBC Cabin the day the fire marshal came to visit. Bruce and Jay were friendly and clear.  They have concerns about how quickly people could get out of the building in case of fire.  They gave us a conditional permit, which ends April…

  • Pavilion Project: Survey Results

    Pavilion Project: Survey Results

    Recently, some of you (141 to be exact) filled out a survey to help us understand the support you have for this project.  The results were helpful and meaningful – thanks!  See the bottom of this post for more context on this project if you’re not sure what all this is about. Some highlights from…

  • Wish List

    Wish List

    Greetings.  Sometimes, supporters will ask what we hope for, what we need to do the work of Bethany Birches better. Well, most of what we want isn’t what we need and most of what we need can’t be put on this list.  But, there are some tools and other things that will help us do…


