BBC Blog

  • 2015 Annual Report and Meeting

    2015 Annual Report and Meeting

    Greetings BBC Supporters: Each year in March, we have our Annual Association Meeting.  The Association is the formal ownership group of the camp (being a non-profit, there are no financial benefits to ownership).  FYI – anyone can join the association. It’s a fun evening; sharing a meal, hearing from the staff and board directors and…

  • Newsletter 2013: An Update From The BBC Board of Directors

    Newsletter 2013: An Update From The BBC Board of Directors

    The annual board retreat was held in January at Jeff Rosenberger’s Springfield Apple Orchard. Phil Bergey was the facilitator. The Pavilion Project is foremost for the director and the board along with the continuing energy needed to carry on the mission of BBC. Mission Possible: The Pavilion Project has been launched to make this dream…


