BBC Blog

  • Winter Family Fun Day 2018

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Well that was fun!  Each winter and summer we host a family fun day to highlight all the good stuff the Bethany Birches program has to offer.  This winter we will host 5 weekends of winter camp for grades 3-11.  Find your session here: About 80 folks enjoyed winter family fun day this year.  The…

  • Thankful For The BBC Family

    Thankful For The BBC Family

    Greetings friends. Some of you are single. Some of you have six children.  Some of you are newly married or recently divorced. Whatever your status with respect to your family, know that we are glad you’re part of the Bethany Birches family.  The BBC family is one that you can choose to be a part…


