BBC Blog

  • Let your teen (17 year old) do whatever they want

    Let your teen (17 year old) do whatever they want

    In his blog post, Jonathan McKee explains an experiment he and his wife performed on their teenager.  He writes: Our theory was basically this:  Start strict, and loosen up as our kids get older, eventually freeing them from all boundaries by age 17½. Guess how it went… not bad!  In fact, it allowed their daughter to…

  • Inside Out Lives On!

    Summer 2012 is officially over. Actually, it’s long past official, it’s history! The temps are dipping lower and lower, the counselors and campers have been gone for months. The pond is empty of the summer toys. The swings are still. The water to the bath house is off. Now is the time of year when…

  • Inside Out: Beauty from Rain

    I love the sun! For a few days in April I got to experience plenty of sun. The weather at camp was warm, sunny and felt like summer! I was ready to invite campers to the hill and get camp rolling. When the sun is out I want the hill to be full of youth…

  • Inside Out: Like a Child

    It’s amazing what you find when you look for it! More themes of inside out continue to run through every day life.Last weekend I found a sampling of the inside out theme in Pennsylvania. Tuna and I made a quick trip south for a bridal shower for my soon to be sister in law. We…

  • Inside Out: Death to Life

    I know summer is getting closer when I start to see the summer theme everywhere I look. Easter weekend was an obvious display this summer’s theme: Inside Out. We celebrate the death of Jesus on Friday. This death then leads to life. It doesn’t make sense. Death is supposed to be the end of life,…


