BBC Blog

  • Winter Camp Update (02/09/2021)

    Winter Camp Update (02/09/2021)

    Dear Camper Parents, I write to you with breaking news that is hard for me to share: we just learned that the Health Department made new policy and will not allow our resident camp program this winter.  This news is hours old at time of writing this post. How did we get here? I consulted…

  • Winter Family Fun Day 2018

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Well that was fun!  Each winter and summer we host a family fun day to highlight all the good stuff the Bethany Birches program has to offer.  This winter we will host 5 weekends of winter camp for grades 3-11.  Find your session here: About 80 folks enjoyed winter family fun day this year.  The…

  • Waiting Lists at Winter Camps!

    Waiting Lists at Winter Camps!

    This past winter has been interesting weather-wise.  Another interesting trend is the uptick in attendance for winter programs.  For the three overnight programs we saw 168 camper days which is 95% of total capacity.  On top of this, there were waiting lists for all three sessions! As many of you know, winter is so busy for…

  • Backcountry Ski Experience

    Backcountry Ski Experience

    Parents. Campers. Donors.  Friends! Backcountry skiing?  What’s that?  Well,  basically, it’s when you get some skis and go into the mountains and ski… it’s beyond the resort.  It takes human power (your legs) to get yourself up the hill.  And then it takes gravity to get you down.  The going up looks a little like this:…

  • High School Seniors Start the New Year Serving

    High School Seniors Start the New Year Serving

    Just when you thought pavilion progress was over…2017 started off with pavilion door painting! A group of 8 Seniors (+ 2 adults) from Dock Mennonite Academy spent Jan 3 – 8 doing a lot of painting. The interior doors of the pavilion are clean and colorful thanks to their service. Painting doors wasn’t their only…

  • 1/4 mile tube run. Full speed ahead.

    1/4 mile tube run. Full speed ahead.

    Greetings Friends. It’s that time of year again! In just two short months we will be ice skating on the basketball court and drying our boots by the fire after flying down the tubing run! Full speed ahead. Its Winter Camp season!  During Winter Camp we pack a full week of Bethany Birches into just…

  • “See” Winter at BBC

    “See” Winter at BBC

    Waking up to snow this morning reminded me that this is the winter that just won’t quit! And what a winter it has been. Lots of people were on and off the hill to help with the building but my favorite groups continue to be THE CAMPERS! During the month of Feb there were 3…

  • Winter Camp: Cure for the Common Winter

    Winter Camp: Cure for the Common Winter

    At camp, we tend not to do commercials. We aren’t a commercial place and we try hard to remain rustic. We cook meals over the fire, use wood to heat buildings, use cast iron to cook food, light our way at night with gas lanterns and all sorts of other old-time stuff. This lack of…

  • The BBC Cabin has Something for Everyone in Winter

    The BBC Cabin has Something for Everyone in Winter

    The other day Tuna posted this picture of me trying to stay ahead of leaf raking. Mowing leaves reminded me of plowing/shoveling snow. My heart sunk as I remembered how much harder it is to both shovel snow and drive in snow compared to leaves! Then I remembered the beauty of winter, the memories I’ve…


